US flag outside West Jordan City Hall

West Jordan City Council Virtual Meetings

The City Council wants to ensure all parties interested in West Jordan City Council meetings can access the meetings in a way they feel most comfortable.

Here’s how to listen, watch and participate in West Jordan City Council meetings:

  1. In person at West Jordan City Hall (8000 S Redwood Rd)
  2. Participate virtually using Zoom Webinar during the meeting.  You can use your telephone, computer or smartphone.
  3. View the city council meeting live-streamed on the City of West Jordan’s YouTube channel: 
  4. Alternatively, contact the Council prior to the meeting by calling the 24-hour Public Comment Line at (801) 569-5052 or sending an email to
rows of US flag

Meeting Types

Work Sessions

Council Work Sessions are listen-in only. No decisions or actions are made.  You can listen-in by viewing the proceedings on the West Jordan YouTube channel as noted above. 

Regular City Council Meetings

City Council meetings have agenda topics that allow for public comment. These are during public comment time and during public hearings.  The city council may make decisions at these meetings. 

Public comment is only heard at the beginning of the meeting during the Public Comment portion of the agenda. Comment can also be provided during the Public Hearing portion of the agenda which occurs on certain agenda topics as defined by state law.  Up to three minutes per person is allowed for public comment.

Connecting via Zoom

Zoom Webinar – Computer, Tablet or Smartphone

  • In your web browser, go to 
  • Enter the Meeting ID provided on the agenda. It is in the format of 11-digits like 111-2222-3333.  
  • The meeting password is also provided on PrimeGov.
  • You must provide a name as anonymous comments are not allowed. 
  • Attendees are not able to share their screen and the council chair will unmute your mic when called upon. 

Zoom Webinar – Telephone

  • Dial one of the numbers listed on the agenda. 
  • Enter the Meeting ID provided on the agenda. It is in the format of 1-digits like 111-2222-3333.  
  • The meeting password is also provided on PrimeGov.
  • You will be asked to provide your name as anonymous comments are not allowed 

To ensure everyone who desires to speak has an opportunity to speak, comments are still limited to three minutes per person. Speakers will be given a notice that three minutes have expired and then the line will be muted.    

If you have additional comments to share with the council, please call the city council’s 24-hour comment line at 801-569-5052 or send your comments to  

All comments received through any source are shared with the full City Council. 


Comments should be directed to the Council Chair and commenters should not expect any debate with or responses from the City Council, Mayor, or City Staff.  However, as a point of personal privilege Councilmembers, the Mayor, and Staff may respond to public comments if recognized by the Council Chair.  Members of the City Council strive to create a respectful and professional decorum during Council Meetings so that the meeting can be conducted in an orderly, efficient, effective, and dignified manner.  It is our desire that each person attending a City Council meeting feel safe, respected, and comfortable participating in their government.  We hope that commenters will have that same goal and strive to do their best to keep comments respectful, professional, and free from profanity, personal attacks, and indecency.