Temporary signs are those meant to be up for a limited time. They fall into three categories and are permitted only in designated zones.

Temporary Promotional Signs:

A white banner with the text YOUR BANNER GOES HERE stands on a grassy lawn, supported by a simple black frame.

Free Standing Signs are allowed in zones:
C-G, SC-1, SC-2, SC-3, C-M, M-P, M-1, R-3

A commercial building with a large For Lease banner hangs over the entrance. The sign includes a contact phone number and the logo of Global Commercial in red and white.

Building Wall-mounted Signs are allowed in zones:
SC-2, SC-3, C-M, M-P, M-1, R-3

A-Frame Signs

A pink A-frame sidewalk sign with the text A-FRAME SIDEWALK SIGN stands on a paved walkway in front of a building with large windows.

A-Frame signs are allowed in zones: C-G, SC-1, SC-2, SC-3

Inflatable Signs

A tall, orange inflatable tube man with outstretched arms moves in the wind against a clear blue sky.

Allowed in Zones: C-G, C-M, SC-1, SC-2, SC-3

To find what zone your business is located in, you may use the West Jordan City Info Map.

Before displaying a temporary sign, you must apply for, and obtain approval of, a sign permit. Temporary Promotional Signs and Inflatable Signs require a Temporary Sign Permit, while A-frame signs require an A-Frame Sign Permit.

In order to be approved, temporary signs must meet all of the applicable sign regulations of the West Jordan City Code. These requirements are summarized as follows:

RequirementSign Type
Temporary Promotional SignA-Frame SignInflatable Sign
Number of Signs LimitNo more than 1 freestanding sign and 1 building wall-mounted sign. Up to 2 building wall-mounted signs may be allowed for a building having a front facade of 150 linear feet or more.No more than 1No more than 1
Display Time LimitNo more than 30 consecutive days. A one-time permit may be approved for 60 days for a new business grand opening.365 consecutive days.   Must be displayed only during business hours.No more than 14 consecutive days per calendar quarter. A one-time permit may be approved for 30 days for a new business grand opening.
Renewal LimitUp to 3 additional display periods within the same calendar year. The sign must be removed for at least 14 consecutive days between each display period.May be renewed each year.May be renewed each calendar quarter.
Maximum Sign AreaFreestanding Sign: 24 square feet Building Wall-Mounted Sign: 40 square feet10 square feet on each sideN/A
Maximum Height6 feet4 feet25 feet
Placement18 inches behind the front property line in a landscaped areaOn a sidewalk or other pedestrian area within 20 feet or less of the main building entrance of the business.C-G, C-M & SC-1 Zones: 10 feet behind the front property line in a landscaped area. SC-2 & SC-3 Zones: 20 feet behind the front property line in a landscaped area.
Minimum Distance from Other Freestanding Signs25 feet75 feet200 feet
AnchoringFirmly attached to a pole or poles embedded securely in the ground.Must be brought indoors during high winds or heavy snow.Must be securely tethered to the ground.
Miscellaneous  Flammable gasses cannot be used to inflate the sign

Prohibited Signs:

Certain types of signs or sign placements are prohibited, these include:

A collage of various sign types: public right-of-way, snipe, reader board, portable, roof, and vehicle signs. Each category includes an image example, such as leasing, business ads, and directional signs.
aerial view of West Jordan neighborhood