Mayor’s Message – February 2024

Dear Residents,
Guess what? This year, we’ve hit the jackpot—extra time, courtesy of Leap Day! February 29th grants us 24 bonus hours to embody the values that define our community – home of the good neighbor.

In West Jordan there are countless opportunities to volunteer and engage with local events. Whether it’s lending a hand at a neighborhood cleanup, participating in a fundraiser for a local cause, or joining forces with organizations dedicated to making our city better, there’s no shortage of ways to get involved.

As we approach Leap Day, let’s remember that every act of kindness, no matter how small, contributes to the fabric of our community. It’s the smile shared with a passerby, the gesture of assistance to a neighbor in need, or the simple offering of support to those around us that truly makes a difference.

Random Acts of Kindness Day serves as a perfect reminder of the power we hold to uplift others through our actions. It’s a day to embrace the spirit of generosity, to spread joy wherever we go, and to cultivate a culture of compassion that resonates throughout wonderful West Jordan.

Together, let’s make the most of this extra day by harnessing the collective goodwill of our community. Let’s leap into action, extend a helping hand, and ensure that every minute counts towards building a brighter, more inclusive city for all!

What will be your act of service on the 29th? I would love to hear about it! You may email me at

Mayor Dirk Burton

aerial view of West Jordan neighborhood