victim assistance services

What to Do if You’re in an Abusive Relationship

Take the First Step

Tell someone – a family member, a friend, a co-worker, the police, an abuse hotline worker, etc. – about the abuse. 

Call the Police 

Call 911 when the first incident of domestic violence occurs. Physical abuse and sexual abuse are crimes, even if the victim lives with the abuser.

Create a Plan

Plan a safe haven to go to in the event a domestic situation gets out of control. Keep a bag packed with clothes, toys, and other essentials. Include an extra set of keys in the car or at a friend or neighbor’s house. Keep identification, prescriptions, credit cards, and bank account information in a safe and convenient location. 

Get Help 

There are services available to help victims make life changes and obtain peace and safety. There are many shelters and support groups, there are protective orders to prohibit the abuser from contacting the victim, and in some cases, there may be financial assistance available.  

Victims have options if they do not want to leave their abusers. Safety plans and counseling services are available for anyone wanting the chance to work on a relationship. 

A victim advocate’s job is not to break up relationships; it is to support victims by providing education, information, resources and encouragement, and to help them identify their options. Victims do not have to live in fear. 

Protective Orders

Protective orders are given to victims, at no charge, to prevent an abuser from contacting, threatening, or approaching the victim at home, in the workplace, or anywhere the court deems necessary, to protect the victim, the victim’s family, or others living in the victim’s home. 

Protective orders are issued by: 

Third District Courthouse 
450 S State Street 
First Floor, Room W17 
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 

Third District Court
8080 S Redwood Rd
Second Floor, Room 2501
West Jordan, UT 84084 

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City Attorney, Rob Wall



victim assistance