Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program for local residential streets represents the commitment of the City of West Jordan to the safety and livability of residential neighborhoods. The program provides a process for identifying and addressing problems related to speeding, excessive traffic volume, and safety on streets classified as “local residential streets.” Under the program, the engineering department will work with residents within neighborhoods to evaluate the type and severity of traffic problems. If the required approval by residents and the City Council is obtained, the city will install traffic management devices, such as traffic circles, diverters, traffic signs, crosswalks and speed humps, to manage the pattern and flow of neighborhood traffic.
Download and review the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program details.
Active Transportation Plan
The Active Transportation (AT) Plan takes a detailed look at bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the city. The plan represents the next step from the Transportation Master Plan to the specifics needed to plan for sidewalk, trail, and bike lane projects. Download and review the Active Transportation Plan.
Traffic Signal Problems
To report problems with traffic signals on Redwood Road, Bangerter Highway, the Mountain View Corridor, 9000 South, and 7800 South between Redwood Road and Bangerter Highway, please call the UDOT Traffic Operations Center at 801-887-3700. For all other signals within West Jordan City, contact Salt Lake County at 385-468-6100.
Traffic Updates
To check on the status of traffic view UDOT traffic cameras at UDOT Commuterlink.